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Interview Tips

Remember you only have one chance to create a 1st impression.
Remember the six P’s

Before the Interview

Be certain you are interested in the role

Make sure you understand the job description – you could be asked to explain your understanding of the position.

Research the company (and possibly who you are meeting), establish what you can about them, their clients and their market etc. It’s good to show an interest and that you have made the effort to do so.

Prepare your questions and notes in advance – look at how your experience and skills are relevant to and compliment the job description.

Read and re-read your CV. It is vital you are familiar with the content.

Your CV will be the basis for discussion at the interview and you could be questioned on any aspect. Ensure you have at least two copies of your CV with you. If possible practise your interview questions/technique with somebody beforehand.

Day of the Interview

Ensure you have the name, address and contact number of who you are seeing.

Ensure you know how you are getting there and by what mode of transport

Factor in rush hour traffic and if possible do a dry run beforehand so you know exactly where you are going.

Get there early; you may even establish there is a coffee place nearby where you could go through your CV, notes and questions again one last time.

Think about what you are wearing to your interview (is it business smart and appropriate).

Try not to have a cigarette just before you go in for your interview or if you do, don’t go in smelling like you have just had a cigarette - do take some mints with you.

Ensure your mobile phone is switched off or on silent!

When you meet your interviewer a firm positive handshake and eye contact is important.
Remember that communication is made up of 55% body language, 38% of how you say it and just 7% of what you say! 

Be prepared to give a summary of your career and equally importantly, have prepared how you believe your experience matches the job requirements.

Don’t waffle and if you don’t understand a question say so and just ask them to repeat it.

Be enthusiastic (it’s infectious) and try to avoid just yes/no answers to questions.

Before the interview ends make sure you have mentioned all of your relevant experience, have asked your questions and covered all that is important – sometimes interviewers may not have covered everything in their questioning.

At the end of the interview ask the interviewer what happens next, if you are still interested in the role then make them aware and tell them!

And don’t forget to call gbruk after with your feedback and thoughts